Learning Through Play

Learning via the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework

We aim to provide a carefully structured nursery programme. The curriculum is designed to stimulate and help each child achieve their full potential, building on their own natural energy, enthusiasm and curiosity. We believe children of all ages need opportunities for exploration and discovery and it is through play that a child learns most effectively and effortlessly.

In the baby room the emphasis is primarily on play working through the three prime areas of the EYFS – PSED, Communication and Language and Physical Development. Throughout the day other activities are introduced to broaden and develop their fine manipulative and gross motor skills. All children are encouraged to join in with creative and messy play, music sessions, sand and water play, outside play, treasure baskets and stories and rhymes. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and all parents are kept updated about their child’s progress each term via an online report and observation system and through sharing their Child’s Learning Journey Folder.

The toddler room has more structure to the day. Music and movement, pre-reading, writing and number work, art and craft, cooking, computer, role play and language skills are all part of the weekly curriculum. It covers all seven areas of the EYFS, these include the 3 prime areas (PSED, Communication and Language, Physical Development) plus 4 specific areas – Literacy, Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. Each child has their own ‘Learning Journey’ online e folder which follows the curriculum element of the nursery. This folder contains a variety of observations, supportive reports, two year old check, termly tracking, photo’s etc of your child. Plus, a separate folder containing art work and photo’s for you to keep as a momentum of their time at Chatterbox.